nautical leadership experience (NLE)

An immersive residential experience for 16-18 year olds exploring careers in the maritime and nautical sector.

Applications for 2024 are closed. Register here to join our mailing list and be notified when you can apply for 2025.

The Nautical Leadership Programme at UWC Atlantic is a funded programme created in partnership with Trinity House Maritime Charity.

As part of UWC Atlantic’s continued Seafront Development Campaign, the Nautical Leadership Experience (NLE) aims to offer young people with little to no seagoing experience the opportunity to develop skills that may be used in careers in the nautical and maritime industries.

The Nautical Leadership Experience is specifically for young people who do not have any of the listed qualifications, nor have had the opportunity to experience seagoing activities. All that is required is an open-minded mentality to try new things, a willingness to work collaboratively with peers and a discipline to commit to the full programme and embrace what the programme has to offer. As part of the Nautical Leadership Experience, participants will gain insightful knowledge, skills and new experiences, and can build confidence and leadership skills adaptable to any career.


United World College (UWC) Atlantic was established in 1962 and is the founding member of the UWC movement, a group of 18 international schools and colleges worldwide. With its imposing location in a 12th Century Castle on the South Wales coast overlooking the Bristol Channel and Nash Point, the College is steeped in educational provision and training in navigation, seamanship, marine safety and in particular boat building.


Trinity House is a charity dedicated to safeguarding shipping and seafarers, providing education, support and welfare to the seafaring community with a statutory duty as a General Lighthouse Authority to deliver a reliable, efficient and cost-effective aids to navigation service for the benefit and safety of all mariners. Their vision is to be a trusted world class aid to navigation authority and regarded as such by their stakeholders.

2024 course brochure:

Click here to download

2025 Course Information

📅 Date: 24th October-2nd November 2025
📍 Location: UWC Atlantic, St Donat’s Castle, Wales, UK CF61 1WF
🏠 Accommodation: Included
🧑 Ages: 16-18 year olds*
💸 Fee: fully funded
⏳ Application open: early summer
🇬🇧 You must live within the UK and Northern Ireland to be eligible.

The course is for 16-18 year olds (up to school year 13 on the date of the course) with a maximum capacity of 12 participants (date of birth must fall between 1st September 2006 – 25th October 2008).

The Programme

What does the Nautical Leadership Experience look like?

The 8-night residential course is offered to 12 young people aged between 16-18 years and primarily aims to provide you with the skills, knowledge and interest to develop and explore a career in the maritime and nautical sector. You will gain formal recognition and an insight into the world of sea based work and careers from teaching, training, the environment, naval and more.

In collaboration with Trinity House and other partners, the programme includes industry seminars and talks covering a range of topics and subjects linked to the marine and maritime industry.

You will live and train on our 122-acre campus with much activity taking place at the seafront. Here, the practical and physical skills will be developed as well as social and soft skills. Safety, teamwork, leadership, discipline, respect for others and communication skills are at the heart of the programme.
Certain elements of the programme will also be delivered off campus by activity partners in the South Wales area. You will remain supervised by course staff at all times.


You will gain the following qualifications:

  • RYA sea survival
  • RYA first aid
  • RYA VHF radio licence
  • RYA essential navigation and seamanship
  • RYA powerboat level 2


You will also explore:

  • Equipment and PPE
  • Maintenance and mechanics
  • Teamwork and skills development
  • Working with voluntary organisations

2025 course applications

2024 applications are closed. Register on our mailing list to receive 2025 course updates

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Course Fees

The course fee is funded by Trinity House and UWC Atlantic. Other costs such as travel to UWC Atlantic, insurance, visas etc are not included.

Should you cancel with less than 2 weeks’ notice without an exceptional reason, you may be asked to pay a cancellation fee of up to £500. The NLE programme is a funded programme with very limited space so we expect all applicants to only apply if they can fully commit to attending the programme.


Application Process

You must complete an Application Form which will also ask the following three questions:

  • Describe yourself and the interests you have
  • Why do you want to take part in the Nautical Leadership Experience?
  • What skills do you want to achieve from NLE that you can apply to a career in the nautical/maritime sector or a leadership role in another industry?

These answers can be submitted via video, or, you can submit a written answer to the questions which may be followed up by a short online interview that will take place between 18th August-5th September.

Application deadline is 18th August 2024, midnight BST.

All applications will be reviewed together after the closing date and applicants will be notified by Monday 9th September 2024.


The Nautical Leadership Experience is a residential course at UWC Atlantic, based in a 12th Century castle by the sea in Wales. You’ll have opportunities to explore the beauty of South Wales and with a 122 acre site, including its own woodland, seafront, farm and valley.

Contact Us

If you need to get in touch, contact us by email or call (+44) 1446 799 000